App Automatically deleted after close Mendix Studio Pro

Any time after I save the app and close Mendix studio, my app will be automatically deleted. Although I never delete it. Please help me how to fix this issue :
2 answers


  1. You should not have your Mendix project in OneDrive, Drobox and other services. Doing this will also always attempt to sync eg. the deployment folder. A lot of changes when running the project → can cause you trouble. Studio Pro is not supporting working with multiple instances of Studio Pro at the same time anyways (hence the lock file to let you know...) . Sharing the application between multiple devices is also not necessary as Mendix provides versioning (SVN, Git), see Team Server –
  2. Deleting the .mpr.lock file once you close Studio Pro is working as expected. The file is used eg. to let you know that the project is already opened in case you try to open it with another instance of Studio Pro. The .lock file is not your app project. Closing Studio Pro releases the lock → the .lock file is deleted.



Thank you so much :)
