I cant configure my navigation menu

Hello and thanks for reading me. I have an error that I want to solve. I created a domain model called "Employee", this model has some properties like: EmployeeId, FirstName, Surname, Age, Gender, BirthDate, PhoneNumber. I created a folder called Views and inside it I have a page called "EmployeeList". Earlier, also create a page called "CreateEmployee".   The error message is:    How can configure my navigation menu well?     I can’t see the problem here:   If I clicked on “Edit...”     I see that error in red.   How can I configure it?
2 answers

Hi Ezequiel,

It seems like the problem is in the EmployeeList page, inside this page you should make sure that you have a way to retrieve all the users with a data container (such as a list view or a datagrid) and set an appropiate datasource for that container (such as a microflow or database).

Also make sure that you are not passing any parameters in the EmployeeList page such as this one (you probably won’t need any parameters, so remove them if you find any):

I hope that helps you, regards!


Hi Oswaldo Valles ! Thanks for answering my question. I’ve always worked with .NET, so it's hard for me to adjust to this. I have another question, how can I configure the connection to an external database? I see Mendix Studio Pro has a Marketplace... I searched for "Database connector":



But I can’t find the option for download 


Hi Ezequiel, for your other question.

It depends if you want to set up your Mendix database as a new database or if you want to query and existing database.

For the first option you can simply go to this settings and set the conection there, if the database doesn’t exist in the server it will create it automatically:

If you want to query some information from an existing database you can use the component that you found for connecting to another external database.

I hope that solves your question and remember to mark the answers as solved if it helps you, best regards!
