New to Mendix Studio Pro- what is it?!?

Hi,    I am new to Mendix Studio Pro without programming background and never built an app before. I tested Mendix few years ago and that time there’s studio version which is easier for me to understand compared to the studio pro, but eventually, I got lost at the part about creating workflow logic.   Anyway, I am back again this year revisiting Mendix. It looks like studio is no longer available and I was overwhelmed when I see the UI for studio pro. I am most interested in turning Excel sheets into app for quick development so I can introduce this tool to my team in a speedy way.   There’s a lot things automatically generated when I upload my excel. I can see the data model is generated, but I have no idea what to do next…. 1. Do I have to go through each item generated on app explorer and configure it? What are required and what are optional? 2. Can I preview what it is now before I do anything ? I remember in Studio environment, as soon as you uploaded the Excel, a form is automatically generated. All the worksheets turn into pages so you can see what’s been uploaded. This is more understandable for me as a nontechnical person. in studio pro, it looks like the Excel import only give me the model, where can I check what has been uploaded? Do I have to create pages, including the form for future data collection? I also have a question when I try out to build app with blank page. We are using Studio Pro 9.24.5 but it only have up to 9.24.3 then jump to 10.0.0. Do I just pick the closest lower version?     Thanks!
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