How to add two tables by creating microflow?

Which activities need to add to add two tables by creating microflow?
1 answers

Hai Riya Basak,

If you want to add data from two different tables, you'll typically need to follow these steps:

Assuming you have two entities (tables) named "EntityA" and "EntityB," and you want to create records in these tables using a microflow, here's what you can do:

1.Create a Microflow:

Navigate to the "Microflows" section in the Mendix Modeler.
Create a new microflow or use an existing one, depending on your requirements.
Add Activities:
Inside your microflow, you need to perform several activities:

a. Create Object:

Drag and drop a "Create Object" activity onto the microflow canvas.
Configure it to create an object of "EntityA."
Map attributes of "EntityA" with values as needed.
b. Create Object:

2.Drag and drop another "Create Object" activity onto the microflow canvas.
Configure it to create an object of "EntityB."
Map attributes of "EntityB" with values as needed.
Set Associations (if applicable):
If there's a relationship between "EntityA" and "EntityB," you might need to set the associations between the created objects. This could involve setting references or associations between the newly created objects.

3.Validate and Commit:

After creating the objects and setting any necessary associations, you typically need to commit the changes to the database to make them persistent.
Add a "Commit" activity to the microflow to save the changes.
Configure Buttons or Triggers:

Depending on the context, you might want to trigger this microflow through a button click or other actions in your Mendix app.
Configure appropriate buttons or triggers in your user interface to call this microflow.


i think it will helps you
