How to add colors to group box according to some constraints.

How to add colors to group box according to some constraints in Mendix.
2 answers

Hi Chandra,


                       To add colors to group box pls follow below steps

1.Fst in visual  studio code create classes for group boxes for example like below


    .mx-groupbox-header {

        border-width: 0px;

        color: #AD1523;

        background: #FFCDD2;

        border: 1px solid #AD1523;


you can add as many classes you want according to your requirement.

2.Go the page in the properties of the group box go to dynamic class

there u need to write the logic  like if your if entity/attribute = your condition then ‘.group-box-red’

like this you can add all your conditions and color you want for which condition,


Let me know if you have any questions.


Depending on what you want colored and what colors you want, there are two options:

  1. Use dynamic classes to conditionally add "groupbox-danger" or "groupbox-success" (I think options are: primary, danger, warning, success, info, inverse, white, transparent, default)
  2. Use dynamic classes to conditionally add your own class(es) and define these in your scss

Edit: forgot primary
