Files in Project Directory

Looking at the App Directory for one of my projects today, I noticed several files with the same name as the App that *seem* to be for old versions of the App.  Can anyone give me insight about where these came from and if I am ok to delete them?   NOTE:  Studio Pro version is 9.24.7 but that option is not in the drop down list on the Forum yet.
2 answers

Yep. All you need is the .mpr file.

To make sure of that, create a new empty folder somewhere, copy the .mpr file to it and then doubleclick it. (Allthough I tried that twice now, both times resulting in empty javascriptsource, javasource, userlib, widget-libraries).


Those look like SVN revision files. You get them when you merge and there are conflicts.

If you’ve resolved the conflicts they should be safe to remove.
