Deeplink-Endless loop of single sign on

Hello Team, We are trying to use DeepLink in Mendix 9.24.2 version. We have enabled Deeplink.LoginLocation constant to : /sso/login?f=true&cont= and changed the Deeplink.EnableLeadingSlash to False. Still there is an endless loop going on. After single sign on, again single sign on.  Really not sure what else to add. As per the screenshot below, added SameSite = None; in runtime settings in sprintr. Still there is an endless loop.   Can anyone please suggest how to solve this. There is no proper solution provided in the Mendix docs on this.   Thanks in advance Regards Traividya G
1 answers



I don’t have the answer to this but I was facing the same issue on a recent app that used SAML authentication and updated the constant to /sso/login?f=true&cont= as described.


We followed the step to set SameSite to None as well and still got stuck in the redirect loop.


Seems like a bug if 2 of us are facing the same issue. (Mendix 9.24.4)


Might be worth raising a support ticket for it.
