This is possible.
Some basics
Base don this if you have two user roles which require different page access.
After reading your question again, the Minutes page is the default home page and the "normal" user should only see the homepage w/o having the Minutes navigation item. Although having access to it. right?
This can be solved easily by removing the page access for the module role of the normal user. Since the default homepage will be accessible for all roles even if they haven't explicit access given. Unless the user role has a userrole specific homepage.
If I understand your question properly, you can achieve this using a nanoflow to navigate to the Minutes page.
Role1 has access to the Minutes page but not the other pages or the nanoflow. Minutes is the role-base homepage for the role
Role2 has access to all pages and also has access to the nanoflow which navigates to the Minutes page
The navigation menu includes the nanoflow and all other pages which only Role2 has access to. Therefore the navigation items will only show for Role2 and nothing for Role1