Mendix Studio Pro 10.3.1 is making changes to some files on its own that are showing up as changes in version control and are not getting reverted back.

I recently upgraded my project from Studio Pro 9.24.3 to 10.3.1 and each time I create a new branch, Mendix Studio Pro is making changes to these two files on its own:   Even when I try to revert the changes nothing happens.   This is an issue because each time I try to do a merge I will have to make a pointless check-in for these two files before I am able to pull code from another branch.   Any suggestions on how to fix this?
2 answers

Here is a temporary fix:

Create a .gitattributes file in the theme-cache folder with the following content * text eol=lf.


This worked for me.


These files are compiled from the sources. The version management could handle that propably better. File a bug report.
