Candidates Answer.

Hi Experts!   Newbie here....   I have an implementation where I have a "Question" entity where I am able to create multiple questions, and I have a "Candidate" entity that has the name and answer attributes.   I called the questions through an association via data view and added the text area candidate answer so that each question has a text area for the answer.   My issue is that whenever I type in an answer, it will automatically update the second text area answer, and it will also update vice versa. This is the relationship in the domain model:   Any tips on what I should do to make it a separate answer to each question? Should I create another entity for the answers?   Thank you in advance.
4 answers

Maybe you can take a look at this question. Looks to be similar to your question.



Looking at your domain model you have one Answer attribute for each candidate.  So when you put that attribute on a page, all instances of it will update when one of them is update.  Instead, I think you need one answer for each combination of Candidate and Question.  This means you will need a third entity called something like CandidateQuestion.  In this entity, you will need an association to the Candidate entity (each Candidate can have one or more CandidateQuestion objects associated to it) and a separate association to the Question entity (each Question can have one or more CandidateQuestion objects associated to it).  Finally, you'll need one attribute in your new entity:  Answer.  The Answer attribute from the new entity is what you should use on the page.

Hope this helps,



Your domain model should look like this


And your page should look like this



The widget in Red is a Dataview


The widget in Blue is a Listview


Note that you will need to create a way to populate the questions and to create the Answer objects for each candidate.


Hope that helps.


Hi Mike Kumpf,


Did I implement it right? I cannot select the association of candidate_candidatequestion if my owner is a candidate, so the candidate is the owner.





But I am not able to put anything inside the textarea (Answer) with the attribute Candidate_CandidateQuestion/JobAnswer. I checked the editable option, but it was set to default the same as before.



Did I miss something in my implementation? Please let me know.


