All filters with date are stopped to work after upgrading to 24.4 version

Hello!After upgrading Mendix to 24.4 I stacked with errors for all comparision dates into datagrid. So all date filters stopped working after update.  TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'mode') at j.<computed>.E._adjustDateCondition (mxui.js?638378244431498250:5:331567) at j.<computed>.E._buildDateQuery (mxui.js?638378244431498250:5:331947) at j.<computed>.E.<anonymous> (mxui.js?638378244431498250:5:335819) at mxui.js?638378244431498250:5:27376 at (mxui.js?638378244431498250:5:31628) at j.<computed>.E._getQueryAttr (mxui.js?638378244431498250:5:335659) at j.<computed>.E._getSearchConstraint (GridSearchMX.js?638378244431498250:218:43) at j.<computed>.E._getSearchConstraintAllSearchBoxes (Core.js?638378244431498250:240:52) at j.<computed>.E.<anonymous> (Core.js?638378244431498250:114:28) at j.<computed>.E.o [as _searchGetConstraints] (mxui.js?638378244431498250:5:55506) We have a lot of them and it is quite difficult to replace it with something else.   Fix seems very simple but I cannot do it as it is mendix inner scripts. On the screen you can see that property now moved from params.formatSettings.mode to params.mode But I cannot fix it - because it is inner Mendix scripts.  Could you fix it? Or maybe I can do it but I cannot find the source of this _adjustDateCondition to rewrite and pack it into worked .mpk widget   Actually there are the same observation here 
3 answers

Hi Irina,


Did you update all widgets and modules to the latest version too? If not, could you do that?


Go Make It



HI Irina,


After updating your Mendix application form lower version to 24.4 version you need to upgrade your widget too. which you are using to filter the data. try to upgrade the widgets.


Ok. I rewrite widget by myself. Now it works. Thanks for answering but all you wrote - I already tried.
