How can I add different password accounts

          I have an application and there are shipments, and I want to distribute specific trips in order for the driver to enter his account and show shipments and details and each account or driver on different trips I just want how to do accounts for drivers and distribute flights to them, not a face or a page, and thank you Comment  
3 answers

Hey Abdulrahman,


Your Post name is totally different what you ask and it's difficult to understand what you need, but i will try my best to help you. What will I do, create new Entity- Driver that will be associated to Account 1*1 because probably you have multiple UserRoles in your application, and I will make logic to make sure every time when driver user role is select for driver that i create this additional entity of driver, and rest of logic is just to connect to association from Driver entity to other one, then with this logic you make sure that driver can login into your app and do what ever they need to do.


Best regards, Slavko


See what error I seeScreenshot (69).pngScreenshot (70).png


Sorry, this is an errorلقطة الشاشة (71).png
