Insert Only To Association Table

Hello everyone, I want to ask about association   Assume I have a table namely user, with the example data like below id                      Name               Address 12345678        Anthony          Newton Avenue   And a table, namely branch id                     Name       145675565     Old Town 145675580     New Town   The data already exists in the both table, I just want to insert the ids into an association table, namely user_branch. So it will be like below: userid             branchid 12345678       145675565 12345678       145675580   Is it possible to do it with microflow?
1 answers

Yes you can. What you want to do is to SET the association between these 2.

in the microflow you need both objects. How you will fetch these in the microflow is completely depending on your process. Either by using input parameters, when triggered from a button and objects are available in the page, or by a retrieve in the microflow itself.


When you have both objects available, just do the following

  1. add change object activity
  2. Select the object to be changed, this is the owning object of the association. Which can be identified in the domain model. The entity wher the association starts (side of the dot) is the owning entity
  3. Set commit to YES
  4. Add a new member
  5. Member > the association between the entities
  6. Add expression: $TheOtherObjectVariable
  7. Done