There is a new, small update
Information about this issue has been added to release notes (LINK)
I hope this will quickly move things forward
I am getting the same error and must be related to new version 16
I have the same issue, also on 10.6. I have it in Studio Pro and on a deployed node.
Same issue here after upgrading from 9.24 to 10.6
Same error 10.6 here and a newby, so I thought the problem was specific to my usecase.
Same error. I cannot load excel or image files
This is a known issue of 10.6.0 and it will be fixed in 10.6.1.
Executing the following SQL or performing equivalent before EACH restart to set the value false can be a workaround.
UPDATE "mendixsystem$properties" SET "value" = false WHERE "key" = 'oldFileMigrationCompleted'
Or you can reach out to Mendix Support ask for the official workaround (an mpk to set the value).
Please see:
Uploading and creating new FileDocuments results in the “Setting value of FileStoreMendixBinaryImpl outside of a transaction, may cause a stale file in file storage if not committed” error. We are investigating the root cause of this issue.
Hi Lukasz,
I had the same. I reported it at Mendix and they fixed it in 10.6.1. So upgrading to 10.6.1 does the trick.