Pagination in Mendix native App

Hello Team, I am currently displaying 1000 data records on a page retrieved from the database using a listview. However, upon opening the page, the entire application lags. To enhance the app's performance, I intend to implement pagination for the page. How can I achieve, this in the Mendix native app can anyone please tell what are the steps need to be follow Thanks in advance..
1 answers

Hi Palanivelrajan P,

You can consider different display options. If you stick to the List View, you can configure the number of records loaded when opening the page by setting 'Page size' (visible when editable set to False). Make sure you're not using a datasource microflow, but XPath or Database, otherwise the DS-microflow will still retrieve everything.

If you choose other views, like data grid (2), you can also setup paging.

Good luck!

