Creating a basic application

7CE0488- No entity configured for the data source of this list view. Select an entity or change the data source. What do I do for the above error? which entity should I choose or to which source should I have to change the data source.
1 answers

Hi Spoorthi,


There are multiple options available as data source 

1. Database

-Which retrieve all the entity information from data base which you associated.

2. X-Path

-X path option can be a filter or a condition which we can do on the selected entity information.

3. Association

-If your page has the context entity that associated as one to many relation, you can traverse using that association.

4. Microflow

-You can create a new microflow which will return the required data for that list view, at the end you should return a list.


-Same as Microflow you should return list at the end.


For more detailed information Visit,


Hope this helps!



Sathya Reddy
