How to disable automatic attribute type selection by Studio Pro when typing certain texts?

A new feature is introduced in Mendix 9.x.x that I can't seem to disable. When adding an attribute to an entity and you type in "EntityID" or "Status", it will automatically select Autonumer or Enumeration respectively even if that's not what I wanted.   Has anyone been able to disable this?
2 answers

As far as I'm aware, this isn't currently possible. If it's something you would like to see you can always add it to the ideas forum. Personally I think it's better to have it than not to have it, since it gets it right in more cases than it gets it wrong, so it still saves some clicks overall.


I guess it depends on the application how often it'll be right. We have status code, status description, eventtype, and a few IDs that are string/integer and thus not enumerations of autonumbers since it is copied from other entities. It's only been frustrating for me to keep changing it
