Implementing notification in web app

Hi ,   I'm implementing notification in my web app. In the app, a notification can be associated with single user or multiple users. Here , when a notification is associated with multiple users I want to create only one instance of notification entity and assign to all users. Here the challenge is to maintain the read/unread status of notification for each users. Can you please guide me how to create a single instance of notification entity while associating it with multiple users and read/unread status for each user.   Thanks in advance 
2 answers

Hi Abrar Ahmed,

I wrote back to you in another topic under a post that you may have missed, I'll post a reply here. If you want to be able to manage "NotificationReadStatus", you can use such a solution in the domain model, it will allow you to manage this status for each message separately.



For display you can use, for example gallery, where you specify xpath as datasource.







Hi Abrar, You will need to use a so called information entity.

It is similar to this section of the Rapid Learning Path. With the set up described there, you are able to flag the attendance (similar to your 'read') of a training event (similar to your notification)

Hope this helps.

