Best way to give feedback and bug reports for Mendix Studio Pro macOS beta?

I have been trying Studio Pro for macOS beta (as a mac user i am very happy) and for a first beta it works pretty well. But i am trying to find how to report bugs and give feedback. Seems there is not really a straightforward way to do this for the platform or am i missing something?   What is the best way to do this?   Feedback Would be nice if you install Studio Pro that it installs a working version of JDK and if not possible at least put a link to the advised version. In the settings it says version 11 but 17 seems to work best. And you have to kind of know what directory JDK is installed in to so some explanation for that would help. Copy and Paste shortcuts Command + C and Command + V do not work a lot of the time. Seems to only work in Page explorer but also there not a lot of the times. When you open the Edit menu copy and past seem to be greyed out so might have something to do with how the menu's are implemented or the key event listeners because in mac most things done with control are done with Command. The menus seem to be the cause of some freezes in general. Had some situations where i could do most thins in the windows it self but the menu items where frozen and greyed out. Had to force quit to fix it. Then it would complain that the project was already open in a other instance. Makes sense because some files are probably locked and not unlocked because of the force quit. When you open Studio Pro the editor width is very small and the Toolbox/Properties is maxed out. So the auto sizing of the window parts a bit wonky. I am missing some keyboard navigation like the command palette and arrow navigation. So i have to leave my keyboard a lot and use the mouse to do most things. 
2 answers

Join the mendix community slack

And join the channel #studio-pro-mac-feedback


Hello Gareth, 


You can report bugs to the support department, click right top corner on the question mark and choose then for contact mendix support, after you can choose to submit a request this creates a form where you can specify your bugs, depending on the criticality of the bug mendix will provide your more information.


For feedback items that are more like features you can post an idea in the community, you go to community and then on the left menu select idea and post your idea. Mendix reviews this backlog actively and tries to pick up the most relevant( and popular upvoted) ideas into their product backlog and development.


Hope this helps


Good luck
