Cant enter umlauts in any of the Mendix 10 Studi Pro versions

So, in Mendix 9 we didn't have this issue. But now in Mendix 10 when we enter an umlaut on a place where you can enter a string in Studio Pro - it is deleted. For example in a Validation Feedback if I write 'Rücksprache', it becomes 'Rcksprache'. How can this be fixed?   Thanks in advance!
2 answers

This should be fixed in Mendix 10.6.4 according to the release notes. Try upgrading to this version.


I hope this helps. Good luck!


Does it happen in a sandbox environment (free app)?

I have a support ticket open where words with for example 'é' are replaced by a question mark ('Privé' to 'Priv?'). This happens for string attributes, but also for enumerations captions. Maybe your problem has something to do with that as well.


I created a support ticket and they told me this:

Our internal team has informed me that it appears there is a bug in our Sandbox environments (Free apps) and they will investigate the issue.


Make sure to create a support ticket.
