Problem connecting to Internal hosted SAP from Mendix Cloud

Hi Team,    We have our own SAP environment which is hosted at our internal servers. Now we are trying to call a API from our Mendix application which is not hosted yet, by hosted I mean it is not pushed to acceptance environement, we are successfully able to call the BAPI of SAP which is successfully giving us the required output.    However when we are pushing the same code to acceptance environment, The BAPI call is failing by saying connection timed out. Now the default the timeout for any API call in Mendix is 300 seconds, we tried increasing the timeout but the calls immediately fail in the case.    Here's what we have already done .    1. We have whitelisted the required Mendix AWS Mumbai hosted Public IP's at our end which are 2. We are calling our Internal SAP BAPI's through the public IP's of our servers where SAP is hosted.    Is there something we are missing out ? 
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