creating a datagrid / list view over 2 entities

Good Afternoon,   The app allows employees to log time for projects that they have worked on   I need to create a table in Mendix that shows the projects and how many hours each employee has worked for each project like the below Excel snippet. I am struggling.       I can get the project and the hours and I can get the employee and number of hours but am struggling to combine both. I have put the name (from Employee entity)  in the list view, which is an association, but nothing is showing up.     Is anyone able to give guidance on this please?   Thanks      
2 answers

Are you sure you have the appropriate read rights for the employee name?

If yes, are you sure that the association with employee is properly filled?


Hi, Jessica Parsons


Please update the employee working hours when you save the project details.

So when you click on save button write a Microflow and retrieve the employee based on project allocation and take change activity update the employee hours on it. In Project new edit pages did you add any references selector for employee if add and select then name will be displayed 


I hope it will help you,

Thank you 
