Sporadic error on different pages -> not programmed redirection to another page without reason or log message

Hey Community,   I experience a strange behaviour in our app: Sporadically users get forwarded to one certain page without reason. There are some pages where that happens and it happens for some users more often than others. Nothing is stated in the logs when that happens and there is also nothing programmed that would open that page.   I tried to find the root cause now over 1,5 years. Also with support. But yet there I have still no idea what it is. Some questions that occured in the process: - Are there any consistent things that the users do before they are redirected? No I could not find any. - Could it be that a different nanoflow was still running that would open a page? No I am sure that in this context there are none. - Is it possible to reproduce the issue with slow internet? Yes it still happens and I also could get an error message through that: - When using the slow internet, are you able to reproduce it more consistently? For now I can reproduce it consistently with slow internet, but it also seems to vary depending on the environment.   Occured now over several widget and module updates and from Mendix v9.6 - 9.24.16   I appreciate any idea!
1 answers

Did you check out this post from 2 years ago? Inconsistent behavior is indeed sometimes/often caused by memory issue (client). What bothers me most is that you state that all users are redirected to the same page.

Just a thought.. what happens if you delete that page (don't try this on prod ;))
