Shutting down server takes 2 full minutes

In Mx 10.6.5: During restarting the app, Studio regularly is showing a blocking popup "Shutting down server" for two full minutes, before asking "Force quit?". Is there any way to prevent this waiting period? Or do we just have wait for a fix?
3 answers

This also happens on Mx 9.24.21 


After months of facing this issue suddenly it did not happen anymore, but after switching to a complete new laptop (with a fresh Windows) it started to appear again/


I have no clue why, also  Mendix support could so far not help with this issue.


I also have this issue now and then, but did not find a pattern.

When it takes too long i sometimes kill the running java process manually via the task manager. That forces the shutdown immediately and i never notices any negative effects of doing this.


Hey Tim van Steenbergen,

That happening because you have taskqueue runing in background and application is waiting for finishing, only solution that I found is by killing the them with CMD, you can use following steps

CMD-> jps this will give you all JVM that are running on your machine  -> find jvm with name Program and execute next line taskkill /f /pid numberOfPid and it's will instantly kill jvm 

Note: some time in list you will also see gradle that will need to be killed too

best regards, Slavko

