store the button in mendix data base which created in website

how to store the button in mendix data base which created in website ? i want to my clint create button in website that button data will persistent storage in medix , how to i achive that ? note : i am using HTML,js with j quary to create a button dynamicaly by own ,based on need of my clint.  
2 answers

Leave HTML and JQuery behind, use a plain vanilla Mendix page and add a Button. For the caption use {1} and get the contents from an attribute. Call a microflow to store data.


Hi Haressh,

Still I am not sure about your requirement, but put your button inside the dataview and onclick of button call the nanoflow get the parmeter of dataview in that nanoflow  and put your js function in javascript action provided by mendix with parameter in nanoflow and pass your parameter there.

Hope it helps!
