Import via excel importer

Hi Team ,  I am using excel importer to import user management values in mendix using excel importer. Currently each user has one region value. After exporting in excel sheet, i have to add multiple region values to that particular user in excel sheet and import it back. Now the problem is that, if i am adding multiple region values in single column and importing it back, mendix is taking those values as a single string value instead of list of values. I have to create multiple region values for each of the region and then import it back which is not feasible. Please help me how can i import multiple values in single column .    
1 answers



If I understood properly, in your application, each user can be associated with several regions?


If so, you can do something like in the image below, i.e. have several rows on the excel for the same user. Assuming you have an association between a User and Region entity, this is doable using the Excel Importer.


