How to use the Count clause in the External Database Connector.

This is an image of a Query with a Count clause executed on Mendix 10.7 using the External Database Connector. As you can see in the image, the test run of the Query containing the Count clause was successful. However, when the 'UseResponse' button is executed, an Error is generated. Am I correct in assuming that the External Database Connector does not support the Count clause? Also, can you tell me if this will be improved with a version upgrade?   Thank you in advance.
1 answers

The error "The Name '' is not valid. Names should start with a letter and can only contain..." is from the domain model. As the Use Response button try to create new entity based on your query.

I don see your full query, but i can see that the name of your table after the FROM statement starts with '['  and you cannot create an entity with that character at the beginning.

Try to modify your SQL query by removing the [ ] characters.
