Studio Pro is not opening when pressing Edit with Studio Pro

Hi, I want to do the Rapid Developer Online course and I got a problem with my studio pro. I did everything in the developer portal as like the description of the course. Now I want to open my app in studio pro. The problem is, there is standing open in studio pro and this window is asking if I got the latest version installed. Yes, I got studio pro 10.10.0. But it's not working. I downloaded and deleted the studio pro a few times but the problem is still there. Can somebody help me please?
2 answers

Hey Michael,

This button should work, but you have an alternative way to work in your application if it doesn't.

First, open the Studio Pro application:imagem.png

Then you can search for your application name on the "Find your apps" input.


I hope this helps,

Ricardo Pereria


PS: If this comment solve your issue, don't forget to click to accept the answer :)


Hi, i downloaded studio pro 10.11 and now everything works fine, thank you anyway.


