Hi, Martin Crawford
Step 1: Implement the Fading Effect
Here's an example of CSS for the fading effect:
.fade-in-out { opacity: 0; transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out; }
.fade-in-out.visible { opacity: 1; }
Apply the CSS classes to your data grids based on the `isGrid1Visible` attribute:
Example Microflow (MF_ToggleVisibility)
1. Retrieve the helper entity instance.
2. Toggle the `isGrid1Visible` attribute.
3. Commit the changes.
Timer Configuration
Add the Timer widget to your page and set the interval (e.g., 10 seconds).
Set the microflow to `MF_ToggleVisibility`.
Use the action scheduler widget from the marketplace to trigger a microflow, see https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/202363
Create an entity with a counter and association to the data you want to display. In the microflow retrieve the data based on the counter, so if the counter == 0 retrieve the first 20 records and set the counter attribute to 20, then use that value for the offset in the microflow. Once you reached the maximum, reset the counter. Use this microflow as the datasource microflow for the grid and add a second microflow for the action scheduler that refreshes the entity with the count and you should be good to go.