What is this console error I get when trying to create an excel sheet using the Excel Exporter Module?

So I am trying to use the excel exporter module, however, I am getting this error message: Error in execution of monitored action 'RegularClientAction' (execution id: 1718378645576-14, execution type: CLIENT). I have seen a lot of posts about missing or duplicate Jar files so I am wondering if this error also has to do with that same problem.
2 answers

You may also try a different way of exporting via updating the data widgets module and using the javascript action to export to excel from a data grid 2 widget.


Mendix Marketplace - Data Widgets


Data Grid 2 | Mendix Documentation


For me, .xls files could not import, but .xlsx files imported fine, even though both file types are supposed to be supported.


If you're concerned about jar files, you might consider deleting all the jar files and then redownloading all of the marketplace modules in the project. Make sure everything still works after this.


Another option for queries to consider is to download a backup of the database from the production site, open the backup in postgresql and then run the queries there.
