Exported Excel to be sent via Email

Hi Experts,   I am currently implementing a new feature that I am new to; the user wants the Excel report to be sent out weekly via email (Outlook).   How should I achieve this? Asking for some insights.    Thank you in advance.
2 answers



There is no single way to achieve this, but the general idea is to combine the following components:


  1. some kind of scheduling using a scheduled event, either one specific to this report or a more general scheduled events that checks if any reports are ready to be sent.
  2. Excel exporter to generate the actual report(s).
  3. some kind of email component to send the mail with attachment. This depends strongly on what the client has available / wants to use to send their emails. You can use the Mendix email module to send mail using an existing mailserver (smtp, or in case of o365 as email provider, probably msGraph). another option here is to use an external mail service (e.g. sendgrid, mailchimp, or any of the many alternatives) to send the mail.

And don't forget to clean up the create filedocuments after sending them by email to keep your filestorage low.

