Could not find object of type XLSReport.MxSheet at XLSReport.SUB_ImportMxTemplate (Import with mapping : Import from JSON)

Hello Team ,    I am using Excel exporter to generate a CSV file . I have create a template now i can able to export the template. While importing the same template i am getting this error in Import mapping .    com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: Could not find object of type 'XLSReport.MxSheet'    at XLSReport.SUB_ImportMxTemplate (Import with mapping : 'Import from JSON') Advanced stacktrace:    at com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowUtil$.processException(MicroflowUtil.scala:73) Caused by: com.mendix.integration.importer.KeyNotFoundException: Could not find object of type 'XLSReport.MxSheet'    at com.mendix.integration.importer.handlers.ObjectMappingHandler.createObjectFromBackup(ObjectMappingHandler.scala:279)  
1 answers

Hello Everyone,


I found the issue , the object creation has to be done if the filtered object is empty in the following microflow for importing CSV files. image.png
