menu: on hover show subitems and on click call a microflow

Hi all, In my project I have four items in my menu bar. The current situation is that a microflow is triggered and a page will be shown because of the microflow. In this new shown page there is a choice among 3 items. I would like to enable a shortcut - to directly select one of these three items - by bringing subitems into the menu and still on click trigger the microflow to show the page with the choice among the three items. I only want to show the menu sub items on hover. Has anyone a sulution to do this?  So the result for the user should be: - hovering over the menu item should show sub menu-items - clicking on the menu item should (trigger a microflow and) show the page I hope to be reading some good ideas soon!  
2 answers

Why do you not just create a subitem in your navigation tree? Or am I missing something here?




[EDIT] I think I have misread your wishes. These submenu items should only be visible if you hover over the menu item. I think that is impossible. Even with CSS I do not see a sollution for that.


I wanted something like below on a data view where you click add to show the below options. Each of this is again a microflow passing the data view parameter. this seems like something very simple but I dont see a clear way of doing it. Any ideas or suggestions would be great. 



