Merge sprinter projects

Hi, When i did a migration from Mx 4 to Mx5 i made a new project for it. We want to put the new project in the original project again.  Now we need to make a deployment package in our modeler and upload it to the original project.  Is there a way to put the new project into the original project?  Kind regards, Sonny
2 answers

The sollution of Russel works if you leave the .mendix-cache and the .svn directories intact. So delete all the other files and copy the files (without those hidden directories) from your other project to this directory and do a commit.  Since you have kept those hidden directories the changes will be picked up by the modeler.






Any reason why you didnt just make a copy of the oringial project as a backup and then just upgrade the existing project within its own folder? That would have been the cleanest way to handle that. 
