Excel exporter on datagrid giving error

When I try to export to excel via the export to excel feature on the datagrid, it give me an error. When looking at my logs I find:  Caused by: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: Association OMS.PurchaseOrder_Supplier should have only one value I assume there's a problem when one or more of the items it's trying to export, any ideas how I could find the problems and fix this?   Edit: The PurchaseOrder_Supplier association is many PurchaseOrder to one Supplier:
1 answers

Not exactly sure what happened, but I found the line item that was causing an error as it was the only line item with a blank value in the data field that's path went through OMS.PurchaseOrder_Supplier. I reset the association and that seemed to fix it.
