Translations of empty captions

We have a number of what I think are mostly action buttons in our project which have empty captions, because we only want an icon to display, and no text. The default language for our project is English, US. I just imported translations for Dutch, NL, and I've noticed two things. Firstly, any action button that had an empty caption in English now says 'Actie' in Dutch. Secondly, I can't figure out how to change this, because in the Batch Translate screen, items with empty captions in English don't show up at all. Is there a way to also empty the captions of these items in other languages? Please let me know, as I can't just have a bunch of random "Actie" text all over the application. Thanks for your help!
3 answers

You can sort on the column Translation (Dutch) scrolldown and see all the 'Actie' translations grouped.

Other way is to export to Excel, do a search/replace their and import again

Third option is find  'Actie', lock search results and edit the separate screens.


Chris de Gelder said: 
"Third option is find  'Actie', lock search results and edit the seperate screens."

Then you said: 
"Third option doesn't work because "Actie" is the translation, not the default language, so that text does not actually appear in any pages/screens, it is being automatically translated by Mendix from an empty caption in the default language, English."

To which I retort: you CAN search in other languages. However, you have to set your project language to the language you want to search in first. There's a dropdown in the top bar of the modeler that allows you to do so. Once you've set the modeler language to Dutch, your 'Actie' search should work just fine.

Not exactly the most efficient course of action, but it should work. 


The first option does not work because, though you can look for "Actie" in the Dutch column, items which are empty in the default language (English) do not show up in the list at all, so you only get items for which there is a term in English.

The second option doesn't work for the same reason, because items that are empty in the default language (English) do not export in the Excel document.

Third option doesn't work because "Actie" is the translation, not the default language, so that text does not actually appear in any pages/screens, it is being automatically translated by Mendix from an empty caption in the default language, English.
