Question around trimming a string

I've written a process where I'm using the IMAP module to pull emails into my system. Based on a delimeter (PRO#:) I am parsing out the project number to match the email to it's related project. However, what I've discovered is that the system cannot find the value because it does not match a value in the system.   On the surface it looks simple and straight forward, my email looks like this: After trimming the delimited result of my parsing of the text results in a value of: '787878' which is what I expect, but when I check the length of this value it is '8' as shown below: I also did a substring to check the extra characters (you'll see the result above) using this : The result (as you can see) was '', so I then put an exclusive split in to check to see if the 'ExtraCharacter' value = ''. When I run the process it returns false.  Any theories on what I'm doing wrong or how I can eliminate these "Extra Characters"?  
3 answers

What about the two single quote delimiters at the start and the end of the text? They must be also stored with the number text in memory, for for the garbage routine and with the storage medium.



Maybe there are some characters in the string that are not visible - perhaps html characters.  I am wondering what results you would get if you ran the string through HTMLToPlainText from community commons - maybe you'll see some whitespace characters?  Also, I am guessing you've tried to run the string through Trim - if so, what were the results of that?



You could try to use the community commons HTMLToPlainText function and see what the length is after that.



