Not able to deploy free app on mendix cloud

I am looking into Mendix again after having left at Mendix 5. When I create a new app with Mendix 6.10 there is only an option to run locally and no longer to run sandbox on the mendix cloud. That used to be one of the best options of Mendix. I looked around for an hour or 2 and it seems to me that I should be able to deploy to the free environment (just for demonstrating it at the company) but I don't know how i should get it to work. One thing I noticed is that when I make a new app it appears locally, and the mendix team viewer website, but not in the launchpad. Can someone guide me some steps how I get it to work. I pretty much am at a freshly created app (no need to build anything if I cannot use it to demo).   PS: I can only choose 'run locally'. There is no option 'run sandbox' and the option 'run' is greyed out.
2 answers

Deploy to sandbox is now called "run". This is enabled only for teamserver projects. Did you enable version control for your project?


When you create a new project in modeler 6.x.x you have two choices: firstly to do it on disk only and secondly on the team server. A disk project can only run locally. After a successful ‘Upload to team server’ under the ‘Team’ menu the ‘Run’ previous known as ‘Deploy to sandbox’ in the cloud option is then active.
