Run multiple applications without modeler running on the background.

Hello all,   I have to run simultaneously on my local machine four quite heavy applications. By skipping the modeler can free up some resources for the applications.    Would that be possible? I saw a related thread but it was four years old. Maybe there are some updates on the topic?   Thank you a lot in advance.    Panos
4 answers

You could run all your applications from Eclipse. It's a fair bit lighter on your resources than Mendix.


There should be some documentation on running from Eclipse, yes. If you're unfamiliar with it, it's the default platform for extending Mendix with custom java.

It's all quite simple really:

  1. Download a version of Eclipse java IDE (any recent version should do)
  2. In your Mendix modeller: Project --> Deploy for Eclipse
  3. In Eclipse: right-click in the project explorer --> import --> 'existing project into workspace' --> (find the root folder of your Mendix project and select it)
  4. In Eclipse: right-click on your Mendix project --> Run as --> Run configurations --> (select your project) --> run


Wait a bit for Eclipse to start your application. Also make sure the project isn't still running in your Mx modeler, or you'll get the obvious port-conflict.

Good luck!


You can install the Windows Mendix Service Console and run multiple applications from that, even using different runtime versions


If you're feeling adventurous you could use a batch script to start your Apps. For an example see here:

Note that this is not an officially supported way of starting the runtime, but for development purposes it should be fine.
