Pages opens at bottom

I have a page that has a double nested listview and then a templategrid (all nested).  Everytime the page loads it opens and then scrolls to the bottom.  I can't figure out what's going on with it.  Any ideas?  This is in 6.10.2.
7 answers

Try to move the all the grids and views into a big layoutgrid on the page


I tried that, but to no avail.  The entire page is inside a 1x1 Layout Grid.


Add a container or a single cell table on the body of the page and apply the following property.

html,body{ overflow:hidden }.

I havent tested though.


Hi Everyone,

This problem persists.  I have a view page (no buttons or any interactivity) and it always opens with the scroll at the bottom of this page.  Running 7.5.1.  HELP!


I had the SetURL widget at the bottom of the page (widget doesn't render anything on the page..).   Moved the widget to the top of the page and now the issue is solved.  Very strange.


I had the same issue in Mendix 7.11.0. In my case, opening of the page at the bottom was caused by the feedback widget that was positioned at the bottom of the layout that the page was using. When I moved the feedback widget to the top of the layout, the problem was gone.

So my conclusion is that the auto-focus routine in Mendix can sometimes have some strange or unwanted results if there are no editable fields in a page, but the page does have buttons or widgets that are rendered at the end of a page. But I'm happily proved wrong here. :)


I believe it’s nothing to do with widgets, it acts like a single page application and doesn’t detect the url change to load page from top, hence it sustain the scroll top percentage from previous page.
For e.g. if your parent page is at scroll top 0 then next page will be too, but if not it will open at relevant percentage scroll.
