Need help creating a domain model

I am trying to create my first app and of course I can't even figure out how to structure my domain model properly.  The app I am trying to create will show users payout percentages and their paytables for popular video poker and video keno games. Games are classified by their variant, type (single or multi), and each variant has multiple games; e.g  Classic Game King and Ultimate X are variants, and both have the Bonus Poker game.  I started my domain model as follows: Now each game has different payout percentages based on paytables.  However, this differs depending on the variant.  For example, Bonus Poker(game_name) on Classic game King(variant_name) with a paytable of "250/50/80/40/25/7/5/4/3/2/1" has a payout percentage of 98.01%.  The same game and paytable on the Ultimate 4 of a Kind variant has a payout percentage of 99.96%.  What would the most efficient way of setting up the Domain Model Be?  Seperate Paytable entities for each game and variant?  If I were to sort the data out on an excel spreadsheet, there would be over 2000 rows on just poker games alone.  I feel like the answer is simple, and I'm just not getting it.   EDIT:   This is what I came up with when I imported an XML with my data.  I can't wrap my head around how to display what I want, or if it is even possible the way I have this setup.  Here is a sample of the XML. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<Poker> -<game type="single" name="Classic Game King"> -<variation name="Bonus Poker"> <payout short="6/5" payback="96.88%" paytable="250/50/80/40/25/6/5/4/3/2/1"/> <payout short="7/5" payback="98.01%" paytable="250/50/80/40/25/7/5/4/3/2/1"/> <payout short="8/5" payback="99.17%" paytable="250/50/80/40/25/8/5/4/3/2/1"/> </variation> -<variation name="Bonus Poker Deluxe"> <payout short="6/5" payback="95.37%" paytable="250/50/80/6/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="7/5" payback="96.26%" paytable="250/50/80/7/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="8/5" payback="97.40%" paytable="250/50/80/8/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="8/6" payback="98.50%" paytable="250/50/80/8/6/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="9/6" payback="99.64%" paytable="250/50/80/9/6/4/3/1/1"/> </variation> -<variation name="Double Double Bonus Poker"> <payout short="6/5" payback="94.66%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/6/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="7/5" payback="95.70%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/7/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="8/5" payback="96.80%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/8/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="9/5" payback="97.88%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/9/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="9/6" payback="98.99%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/9/6/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="10/6" payback="100.08%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/10/6/4/3/1/1"/> </variation> </game> -<game type="single" name="Ultimate X Poker"> -<variation name="Bonus Poker"> <payout short="6/5" payback="96.94%" paytable="250/50/80/40/25/6/5/4/3/2/1"/> <payout short="7/5" payback="98.09%" paytable="250/50/80/40/25/7/5/4/3/2/1"/> <payout short="8/5" payback="99.21%" paytable="250/50/80/40/25/8/5/4/3/2/1"/> </variation> -<variation name="Bonus Poker Deluxe"> <payout short="6/5" payback="95.41%" paytable="250/50/80/6/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="7/5" payback="96.33%" paytable="250/50/80/7/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="8/5" payback="97.47%" paytable="250/50/80/8/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="8/6" payback="98.82%" paytable="250/50/80/8/6/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="9/6" payback="99.96%" paytable="250/50/80/9/6/4/3/1/1"/> </variation> -<variation name="Double Double Bonus Poker"> <payout short="7/5" payback="95.80%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/7/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="8/5" payback="96.80%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/8/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="9/5" payback="97.93%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/9/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="9/6" payback="99.05%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/9/6/4/3/1/1"/> </variation> </game> -<game type="multi" name="Triple Play Draw Poker"> -<variation name="Bonus Poker"> <payout short="6/5" payback="96.88%" paytable="250/50/80/40/25/6/5/4/3/2/1"/> <payout short="7/5" payback="98.01%" paytable="250/50/80/40/25/7/5/4/3/2/1"/> <payout short="8/5" payback="99.17%" paytable="250/50/80/40/25/8/5/4/3/2/1"/> </variation> -<variation name="Bonus Poker Deluxe"> <payout short="6/5" payback="95.37%" paytable="250/50/80/6/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="7/5" payback="96.26%" paytable="250/50/80/7/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="8/5" payback="97.40%" paytable="250/50/80/8/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="8/6" payback="98.50%" paytable="250/50/80/8/6/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="9/6" payback="99.64%" paytable="250/50/80/9/6/4/3/1/1"/> </variation> -<variation name="Double Double Bonus Poker"> <payout short="6/5" payback="94.66%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/6/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="7/5" payback="95.70%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/7/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="8/5" payback="96.80%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/8/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="9/5" payback="97.88%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/9/5/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="9/6" payback="98.99%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/9/6/4/3/1/1"/> <payout short="10/6" payback="100.08%" paytable="250/50/400/160/160/80/50/10/6/4/3/1/1"/> </variation> </game> As you can see, Games can have the same variations.  Variations can have the the same or different paytables depending on the game.  When importing the XML, It creates duplicates of variations and paytables, because they exist more than once.  How can I associate a specific variant and paytable to a game?  
2 answers

If I read your post correctly, it looks like you have three entities. 

  • PokerGame
  • PokerVariant
  • Paytable


Two of those you already have. All you would need to do is add the third, and set the correct associations. 

Likely that would be:

  • PokerGame 1--* Paytable (a pokergame has multiple possible paytables depending on variant. A paytable belongs to only a single pokergame + variant)
  • PokerVariant 1--* Paytable (a pokervariant has multiple possible paytables depending on game. A paytable belongs to only a single variant + pokergame)


This way you would be able to retrieve:

PokerGame A + PokerVariant B = Paytable C. 





I got the feeling you mix up XML import issues and a correct datamodel. First create a correct datamodel and pages so you can enter the data correctly. See Christiaan's post for hints.

As a second step create the XML import, if it is possible to read directly into your datamodel it is nice. If that is impossible create a an extra importModule that contains the structure as in the xml and process that with some microflows into the final datamodel from step 1.


Hint: for the xml import use 'short' as key to prevent double instances.

BTW: inheritance with a relation (game/choicebase) can be correct but most fellow modelers won't understand this completely.

