How to format 2 number yy values to 4 number yyy values in datetimes (19XX - 20XX)?

Hi Business Engineers,   I am formatting date time with 2 numbers for years (yy) to 4 numbers (yyyy). When all the date times are of the 20th century, i add 1900 years, and I get a correct 4 numbers yyyy. But when the original date times are also from 21ths century ('17) how should I divide to add 1900 years or 2000 years in orde to complete '70 to 1970 or '17 to 2017?   This solution worked for me: if $DataImport/DateTime !=empty and parseInteger(formatDateTimeUTC(trimToYearsUTC(parseDateTimeUTC($DataImport/DateTime,'dd/MM/yyyy')), 'yyyy'))<= 40 then addYearsUTC(parseDateTimeUTC($DataImport/DateTime,'dd/MM/yyyy'), 2000) else if $IteratorParticulier/geboortedatum !=empty and parseInteger(formatDateTimeUTC(trimToYearsUTC(parseDateTimeUTC($DataImport/DateTime,'dd/MM/yyyy')), 'yyyy'))> 40 then addYearsUTC(parseDateTimeUTC($DataImport/DateTime,'dd/MM/yyyy'), 1900) else empty  
2 answers


If you use the built in Mendix function FormatDateTime, you can perform this without having to add anything to the date.  Formatting options for this function can be found here:

Hope that helps,



You either have to build some logic yourself (''Numbers lower than 30 add 2000, numbers higher than 30 add 1900" or something similar). 

It's impossible to deduce which year a double digit year stands from without providing it
