SHOWPAGE bugs in Modeller 6.10.3

Yesterday I downloaded the latest version of the modeller. A new project started with modeller 6.10.2 starts to behave differently with this new Modeller. First, running locally, it works as it should. But after updating the project from the TeamServer the strange behaviour began.  - Every SHOWPAGE activity called in a sub MF is not displayed on screen, even it is the last activity within the complete MF. - Opening a new page, or closing a page after the default Save/Cancel buttons will not return to the next page. Adding a CLOSEPAGE activity solved this for pages called via a MF, but  it seems that every default Save/Cancel buttons have to be replaced.   Apparently it is not possible to do a SHOWPAGE activity in a sub MF, which defies the use of reusable code (MFs).   Any one noticed this? How to solve this? Preferably I would continue in 6.10.2 without having to start all over again (i.e. opening the same project in that Modeller without any problems).   Very very very NOT amused!    
1 answers

UPDATE: tested it with the original MF.

This MF is started at login. Basec on some conditions and user roles it will show either a Homepage or a page to enter Company data.

In this login a call another MF (either (OPN_Homepage or OPN_Company).

MF OPN_Homepage starts with a CLOSEPAGE activity. At the end of the Login MF it crashes. Those errors are shown after the End event of the Login MF.

The MF OPN_Homepage is also started from the Navigation panel. Then it works without problems.

Removed the CLOSEPAGE activity.

Running the login MF again and now the page will show, no errors.


So it seems that the CLOSEPAGE activity is the culprit.

Does it have to close a page during the Login MF? Yes, to log in the user have to fill in username/password in a popup window. So there is definetely a page to close. (we use the ForgotPassword/Deeplink modules)
