connector error

hi Mendixers, i tried to use the mendix modeler on a OSX Virtualbox Windows 7 setup, but it stops when run locally - some problem with a connector. A bit hard to evaluate your software this way. Might be Windo$, perhaps java, or mendix itself. Is there a way to try Mendix natively on OSX without the platform double flip backwards as it is open source and all?
3 answers

You should be able to run Mendix in a VM (Paralells VM for example) without problems. There isn't a Mendix version available for OSX. 

Mendix 7 will have a web version of the modeller. It is schedueled to be release on the 21st of February. Hope that will help you evaluate Mendix.


Hi Locusta,

As Aswin mentiond, Mendix runs fine in a VM under OSX. And with a few commands in Terminal, you can access the VM localhost with Safari (or any OSX browser). 
If you can provide us with a copy of your error, we can help better in getting this going on your Mac.



Thank you for your kind replies. I would expect a vanilla setup to simple work, must be the marketing :_)
I will wait for the Mendix 7 web version then and should probably read the docs in the mean time.
