Does Mendix minificate the css and html files?

Hi   With good spacing, CSS and HTML files are easy for designers to develop and maintain. But browsers don’t care about spaces between elements, properties and selectors.  Extra soaces mean extra I was wondering whether Mendix -automatically- minimize those spaces  the css en HTML files have in it  (also for the files custom.css/sass)? (when inspecting I see indeed one long css stuff, but the custom files are not minificated)
2 answers

No, Mendix doesn't minify the CSS files (you can inspect that when you do a local deployment in the \deployment\web\css\theme.css).

The HTML files are minified (you can inspect that when you do a local deployment in the \deployment\web\pages\language\Module\PageName.xml


Worrying about wether or not Mendix minifies these things is a bit like worrying about the extra fuel consumption for your Hummer because of the weight of its floor mats.

Mendix applications are always bandwidth heavy. If that's a problem, it's probably not the right technology choice.
