Mendix 5 auto startup

Does Mendix 5.21.5(latest in series 5) support auto startup of mendix application ? It happens sometimes because of updates or something window machine restarts, in that case we have to manually start mendix service console and then the application through service console.We need to know if there is a way to automatically start the mendix application when windows machine gets restarted without having manual intervention.  
3 answers

When you install a Mendix app with the Windows Mendix Service Console it is installed as a service that will be started when the machine is started. No intervention or actions are needed.


I did not see anything for autostarting the app in api's doc or whatever.


As Chris states, the Mendix app is installed as a Service which should start automatically.  One possible reason why this might not always happen is if the database is on the same machine and the Mendix service tries to start before the database is available.  In this case, change the Mendix service so that it has an Automatic (delayed) start, or add a dependency to your database service.
