Offline app does not show login page when anonymous usage is enabled

When I enable anonymous users, the offline app no longer shows the login page but attempts to use the anonymous session. This is not correct because the anonymous role does not have access to any navigation items in the offline profile so the app should show the login page. Ticket: 50851 It seems my edit got lost somehow. Once again: The real app does have anonymous pages for the desktop browser, for the login widget and forgot password functionality. When I turn on anonymous access, the offline login breaks.   Edit 1-5-2017: The LoginForm widget works offline too, just don't enable the forgot password function. The issue can be solved using the same navigation configuration as with online/hybrid. I created a pull request on the login form widget for the offline enablement.
2 answers

Is that not how the modeler always behaves? When I have anonymous enabled with no navigation for the anonymous user (because the anonymous user always uses the deeplink to do the stuff) the modeler always shows a blank page. You can argue if this is correct behaviour.




Trying to get the login form widget & anonymous role to work for the offline app too, but it sometimes goes back to the login page, directly after logging in. I can't find a pattern yet on when it does or does not happen. Did anybody have issues before with the combination of allowing anonymous users & offline hybrid apps?
