Does the Functionality of Standard Cancel button will change with the version of mendix modeler??

Hi, Previously, I developed my application in 6.3.1 version of mendix modeler. And I used standard Cancel button to cancel the pop-up or some screens. Recently, I updated my modeler version to 6.10.4 . Currntly I am working on this modeler. Now when I tried to cancel the screen, Error is occurring. " java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: mxObject should not be null ". This is the error I have. Please let me know why I am facing this issue... and please suggest me if there is any alternative for this issue..   Thanks, Venkat.
2 answers

You can add an action button with rollback or delete and close page in the microflow.


The error has to do with the logic, not with the button itself. Are you initiating a microflow with the button? Probably you are trying to change an object, but the object is empty or so.
