MxRuntimeSystem/user/dispatchSupervisor#-597435171]] had already been terminated.

We have an environment that once and a while just stops working. When checking running now one can see multiple system task with no details. In the logs we have the error below. Obviously a null pointer error. We do have a scheduled event running before this error occurs but that one has already been finished normally before these errors are thrown. Anybody a guess why the scheduled event runner can throw such a null pointer execption? Regards, Ronald   Apr 4 20:27:15.325 - ERROR - ActionManager: Exception in execution of monitored action 'null' (execution id: 06b760c3-b4b6-4ffb-8bc2-51f912c01671, execution type: SCHEDULED_EVENT) Apr 4 20:27:15.326 - ERROR - ActionManager: (1/17) akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Recipient[Actor[akka://MxRuntimeSystem/user/dispatchSupervisor#-597435171]] had already been terminated. Apr 4 20:27:15.326 - ERROR - ActionManager: (2/17) #011at akka.pattern.AskableActorRef$.ask$extension(AskSupport.scala:132) Apr 4 20:27:15.326 - ERROR - ActionManager: (3/17) #011at akka.pattern.AskableActorRef$.$qmark$extension(AskSupport.scala:144) Apr 4 20:27:15.326 - ERROR - ActionManager: (4/17) #011at com.mendix.core.session.ActionDispatching.sendAction(ActionDispatching.scala:32) Apr 4 20:27:15.326 - ERROR - ActionManager: (5/17) #011at com.mendix.core.session.ActionDispatching.handleAction(ActionDispatching.scala:27) Apr 4 20:27:15.326 - ERROR - ActionManager: (6/17) #011at com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.IMonitoredAction$class.monitor(IMonitoredAction.scala:28) Apr 4 20:27:15.326 - ERROR - ActionManager: (7/17) #011at com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.ScheduledAction$ScheduledRun.monitor(ScheduledAction.scala:118) Apr 4 20:27:15.326 - ERROR - ActionManager: (8/17) #011at com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.ScheduledAction$ Apr 4 20:27:15.326 - ERROR - ActionManager: (9/17) #011at com.mendix.core.actionmanagement.ScheduledAction.execute(ScheduledAction.scala:116) Apr 4 20:27:15.327 - ERROR - ActionManager: (10/17) #011at Apr 4 20:27:15.327 - ERROR - ActionManager: (11/17) #011at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Apr 4 20:27:15.327 - ERROR - ActionManager: (12/17) #011at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset( Apr 4 20:27:15.327 - ERROR - ActionManager: (13/17) #011at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301( Apr 4 20:27:15.327 - ERROR - ActionManager: (14/17) #011at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ Apr 4 20:27:15.327 - ERROR - ActionManager: (15/17) #011at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( Apr 4 20:27:15.327 - ERROR - ActionManager: (16/17) #011at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Apr 4 20:27:15.327 - ERROR - ActionManager: (17/17) #011at    
2 answers

"Obviously a null pointer error."

How is this obvious? I can't draw this conclusion from the posted stacktrace.


Seen this before...

In all cases, there'd be a critical error somewhere earlier in the log (stackoverflow, OutOfMemory, GCOverhead). This'd bring down the akka actorsystem that Mendix runs on, so that any subsequent action would result in a stacktrace such as yours. Basically it's a consequence, not a cause. 

Given that you also indicate your application stops working, I'd guess you have the same problem. Try and run through your log to find the actual culprit...
