Template Grid of the Entity in my New module cant be seen

Hi   May be this is a basic question. But please help. I have a User Role named "Director" in my project. And everything works fine with the login security ON. But recently I created another Module named "ReportModule". And I created the same Module Role "Director" in the ReportModule also. Then I went to the Project security User Roles and selected the Same name "Director" in the ReportModule also. I have page with a Template Grid in the ReportModule. When I log in as Director, I can see all the text in that page but NOT the Template Grid. I have already set Page Access and Entity Access to the Role Director in the ReportModule. What seems to be wrong here?   Please help Regards Dylan
2 answers

Your probably don't have any objects. Check if you have objects and if not create them with the userrole that has create rights.


Are you seeing the new/edit buttons of the template grid (if you have these?), if so: are there any objects available in your database to be retrieved? You could also check if there is something wrong with your Xpath/Microflow retrieve if you are using one of those. If you are using a retrieve over association you can verify if the objects you want to display are indeed bound to the parent object.

Also does your currentuser only have the userrole of director or those the user have multiple roles which may conflict?

Lastly: isn't there anay conditional visibility on the page/template grid which could cause the issue?
